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Figure 1. GOES MWPI product image at 2246 UTC 21 July 2010 with locations of GoMOOS buoys plotted on the image. |
Figure 1, the 2246 UTC 21 July 2010 GOES MWPI product, indicated elevated values over southern Maine and the western Gulf of Maine near the time a tornado touched near Portland. Index values of 20 to 24 corresponded to downburst wind gust potential near 40 knots. The radiosonde observation (RAOB) sounding profile, in Figure 2, over Portland confirmed favorable conditions for strong downbursts that included large convective available potential energy (CAPE) and a conditionally unstable temperature lapse rate between the 700 and 900-mb levels. Embedded within this layer was a low-level jet with winds near 40 knots at the 800-mb level. Thus, the downward transport of horizontal momentum from the 800-mb level to the surface by downdrafts initiated by precipitation loading was the most likely physical process that resulted in strong downburst wind generation.
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Figure 2. RAOB sounding profile from Portland, Maine at 0000 UTC 22 July 2010. |
As the MCS tracked eastward over the Maine Shelf, an embedded supercell became apparent in radar imagery. This bow echo was closest to the "type 3" bow echo as identified by Przybylinski (1995). The 0015 UTC 22 July GOES BTD product image in Figure 3 with overlying radar reflectivity from Gray, ME NEXRAD identified a dry-air notch on the rear flank of the MCS with a corresponding rear-inflow notch (RIN) in radar imagery. Due to the large distance from the GOES-13 subpoint, displacement error has resulted in about a 10 mile separation between the RIN and the dry-air notch as identified in the satellite image. Between 0040 and 0050 UTC, a 40-knot downburst wind gust was recorded at the Central Maine Shelf GoMOOS buoy E01 (white cross) as the embedded supercell tracked directly overhead. Note that at 0034 UTC, the RIN (white line) pointed directly toward the Central Maine Shelf buoy, thus effectively indicating the potential for strong downburst winds. The channeling of dry mid-tropospheric air into the rear flank of the convective storm was an important source of downdraft energy that resulted in strong outflow winds.
Figure 3. GOES imager BTD image 0015 UTC 22 July 2010 with overlying radar reflectivity. |
As the MCS continued to track eastward, a well-defined comma head developed on the northern end of the MCS as shown in Figure 4. Bow echo comma-heads are also favorable locations for downburst generation. Between 0100 and 0110 UTC, a downburst wind gust of 40 knots was recorded at the Penobscot Bay buoy (F01) as the comma head tracked overhead. The comma head produced several downbursts as it tracked over Penobscot Bay between 0100 and 0120 UTC, resulting in an extended period of strong winds. The wind gusts observed at both GoMOOS buoys (40 knots) verified the anticipated magnitude as indicated by the GOES MWPI product as well as downburst occurrence as indicated by the GOES imager BTD product.
Figure 4. Radar reflectivity image at 0106 UTC 22 July 2010. Blue/white marker indicates the location of Penobscot Bay buoy. |
Przybylinski, R.W., 1995: The bow echo. Observations, numerical simulations, and severe
weather detection methods. Wea. Forecasting, 10, 203-218.