Figure 1. Page 29 from VISIT lesson “Forecasting Convective Downburst Potential Using GOES Sounder Derived Products” displaying the new Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) imager channel 3 – channel 4 brightness temperature difference (BTD) microburst product.
Figure 1 shows new instructional material from the VISIT lesson “Forecasting Convective Downburst Potential Using GOES Sounder Derived Products”. This page compares a Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) imager channel 3 – channel 4 brightness temperature difference (BTD) product to a pre-convective GOES sounding profile during the afternoon of 5 August 2010. Note that the dry-air notch in the product image on the left is pointing southeastward toward a convective storm moving through the Washington, DC area. The presence of mid-tropospheric dry air was established by the GOES sounding profile over Washington, DC about two hours prior to strong downburst occurrence. The channeling of dry air into the rear of the convective storm most likely played a significant role in generating downdraft energy. Downburst wind gusts of 42 knots were recorded by the Washington Tide Station and the Upper Potomac River (white cross) buoy during the afternoon of 5 August 2010.