The images above are a Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) sounder microburst product at 1846 UTC (top) and a MODIS microburst product at 1835 UTC 26
The above image is an example of the web version of the GOES sounder microburst product. The image displays moderate microburst risk in proximity to the Charlottesville downburst (40 knots, plotted in image). The GOES-East sounder microburst product image and an animation are available on the GOES microburst product web page.
Pryor, K.L., 2009: Microburst windspeed potential assessment: progress and developments. Preprints, 16th Conf. on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, Phoenix, AZ, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
Przybylinski, R.W., 1995: The bow echo. Observations, numerical simulations, and severe weather detection methods. Wea. Forecasting, 10, 203-218.